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Eagle Technology

  • 100 - 500 employees

Callie Lv

Time to work on some scripts! I open PyCharm. I have the workflows from the morning's meeting, so now it is time to turn those into a script! This is my favourite task, and it always feels like time flies.

7.50 AM

Getting up is getting more difficult as we move into winter. I have been awake in bed for 20 minutes and have fallen back to sleep repeatedly. I have woken up and realised I am going to be late. I can only do an easy breakfast today and drink some water before leaving home.

8.30 AM

I arrive at the office and grab a glass of water from the kitchen while waiting for my laptop to start-up. Once my laptop has started, I check emails and my calendar - today will have a daily team meeting, a project catch-up, and a customer meeting.

Eagle Technology - Callie Lv - office

I have a few meetings today, so I write down the objectives for each meeting. This helps me determine what will need to be addressed from each meeting. I can also then open any webpages/documents/Virtual Machines that might be relevant to the meeting.

9.30 AM

My first meeting today is our daily support team stand up. I report on the work I did yesterday and what the work plan is for today. We go around the table every day so the team can be aware of what work is going on.

10.00 AM

My second meeting of the day is an internal project meeting. I catch up with one of my more experienced colleagues, who is also participating in this project. We discuss the workflow and test some tools within ArcGIS Pro - this takes some time. Finally, we figure out the appropriate order for calling tools to generate a good output.

12.00 PM 

Lunchtime! I get a Katsu Chicken again from the food court nearby. Today I watch some videos at my desk rather than eating in the kitchen.

1.00 PM

I have heard back from one of my open customer support cases, the customer is asking me more questions. I spend some time researching the issue and trying to reproduce it on my end. Unfortunately, even with the customer's data and following the customers workflow in ArcGIS Online, I am unable to reproduce the issue. So, I ask one of my colleagues to have a look. It looks like a screen-sharing session would be helpful for this case. So, I set an online meeting with the customer at a time that works for us both.

Eagle Technology - Callie Lv - research

2.00 PM

My last meeting of the day has now begun. This meeting is to help a customer to migrate to a new ArcGIS Online organisation home page. It is always easier if I can see their screen and therefore easily indicate which button they need to click on. One of my colleagues is in this meeting to make sure everything is on the right track, so I do not worry about this too much.

3.00 PM

Time to work on some scripts! I open PyCharm. I have the workflows from the morning's meeting, so now it is time to turn those into a script! This is my favourite task, and it always feels like time flies.

Eagle Technology - Callie Lv - Script writing

5.00 PM

Before I sign off, I send a message to my project group, reporting what I have done for project today and what I plan for tomorrow.

5.30 PM

I walk home with one of my colleagues, we live close to each other, and we usually go to Daiso together on the way home. We also decide to go to a gym class together once we get changed.

6.00 PM

Attend gym class with my work colleague.

7.30 PM

All I want to do is lying on my couch and do nothing now. But a friend is calling me to play online games together. I find this a great to relax and socialise, so I say yes.

10.00 PM

I take a quick shower, and head to bed. I take half an hour to check out my social network on my phone and then I sleep.

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