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Carine Lim

8.00 AM

I wake to the sound of my alarm – the last of my three alarms, my sleeping subconscious swiped the first two. I get out of my pyjamas and change into my work pyjamas. I fill my 2L water bottle to the brim – I purchased it to shred my biceps while working from home during a global pandemic, BUT it keeps me well hydrated throughout each day.

Mood: excited. Today’s my team’s first client workshop and I can’t wait!

8.30 AM - 9.00 AM

I switch on my laptop and peruse the emails that have come my way - I've been following up with stakeholders to schedule interviews, and my project manager has constructive comments on our presentation slide deck. Once my emails are read, I check my daily to-do list for any outstanding tasks from the previous day that need urgent attention; I like to use OneNote but everyone has different note taking styles – I prefer mapping out each day the previous night, so I can leap right into work!

carine lim work

9.00 AM - 9.30 AM

Excluding brunch, my favourite way to start a day: our daily team stand-up. Each team member shares their key priorities for the day ahead. This is a great time to raise any stumbling blocks that we’ve encountered or to request a hand/advice if needed. Honesty is the best policy. It’s the best way to avert crisis and builds a supportive team atmosphere. 

9.30 AM - 11.30 AM

Today was a day when I had plenty of back-to-back meetings with our client’s personnel - we're more than mid-way through the project so our interviews focus on validating our findings, asking more questions around the problem area and brainstorming solutions. I was focused on taking notes but had the opportunity to ask some questions in the interviews based on my research.

11.30 AM -11.45 AM

After the back-to-back meetings, my manager and my team agreed to take a short break - I got up to make myself a cup of matcha latte and I start thinking about what to eat for lunch.

carine lim cup latte

11.45 AM - 12.30 PM

I jumped back onto a call with my manager. We usually have a quick debrief after interviews to chat through any key insights we find. Today was no different, we then shifted our focus to ensure we had everything prepared for our client workshop later in the afternoon. Quickly scrolling through the PowerPoint to be presented, I made sure we had our key points covered – attention to detail and slide consistency is important.

12.30 PM

We then break for lunch - one of my favourite meals of the day! I decided to go for a walk to my local bakery to score a delicious toastie (I’m hunting down Melbourne’s best Reuben sandwich). Since we're working from home, I try to make a point of breaking up my day with a walk in the afternoon to freshen my mind and revitalise my energy. 

1.00 PM

Got back home and spent some time re-reading my notes from this morning’s interviews, seeing if there are any emerging themes/insights that were interesting that could be useful for the workshop. Our team caught up and jumped into a "virtual room" – this is the closest we can simulate to being in the office together; we keep ourselves on mute and unmute to ask questions – the equivalent of an in-person tap on the shoulder. I work through the slides I’m responsible for, before a rehearsal to ensure our agenda is followed, a facilitator for the meeting is chosen and all links are working – we like to capture notes during presentations on a virtual whiteboard accessible to all.

carine lim notes

3.00 PM 

The workshop begins with 20 people in a virtual setting – I start sharing my screen and ensure live notes are taken of key points raised. I asked probing questions when I could and had the delight of presenting my section of the slide deck showcasing my findings to the group! It can be nerve-wracking presenting to clients as a graduate, but public-speaking – like bicep-curling water bottles – is a skill built through repetition, it gets easier each time. 

4.00 PM

The workshop finishes and I take a 5-minute break to stand and stretch after sitting all day. I really should move more frequently than I do! Our whole team then jumps into a call, while the workshop is still fresh, to discuss any insights that shone out that may assist our solution development. We spend the next hour or so synthesising (a word I’ve heard a lot in consulting) information and extracting key insights that could be used in our final deliverable deck. 

6.30 PM

I review the day and prep my tasks for tomorrow. I get ready to go dancing with my friends in an effort to exercise – those pandemic kilo’s aren’t going to burn themselves. We’re giving Street Jazz a go and to my surprise I absolutely love it.

Carine Lim review

8.00 PM

Having worked up an appetite, I return home, shower, and get my Gordon Ramsay on – tonight I'm having mushroom pasta with chili oil. I start binging a Netflix series I recently found – that will remain unnamed to save my cheeks from reddening – and spend the next 1-2 hours just relaxing on my couch. Perfect time to reply to messages from friends. 

11.00 PM

I get ready for bed - To unwind, I alternate scrolling between Instagram & Tik Tok or read a book (depending on the day) – wow, that tip to pop an avocado seed is so smart and rest - ready for the next day!